Dynamics 365 BC Cost Comparison

Compare the cost of Microsoft Dynamics On-Prem with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in the cloud.

Comparison calculation

Did you know that it's mostly financially attractive to use Business Central in the cloud?

So not only do you save money, you also have access to the latest technology. For an overview, we've created three real-world calculations that often occur in real life.

Business Central comparison calculation

Calculation basis

The values given refer to the monthly costs per licensed user and are rounded to full euros for better readability. These are approximate values and not binding offers. Depending on additional modules, server configuration or further costs, the values can deviate both positively and negatively.

The calculation is based on the following values:
Dynamics Navision 2018 purchase licence 3750€ for three users and 2250€ for each additional user plus 16% enhancement. On Premise licence 68,25€/ month plus 16% enhancement. Cloud Licence Premium 84,30€/ month. For SQL-Server based models 10.000€ purchase licence plus 16% enhancement. The purchase licences are depreciated over five years in accordance with the applicable depreciation period.

Server configuration for:

3 and 15 users

  • Dual Intel® Xeon® SP Gold 16 Core
  • 3,84tb in raid 10
  • 128gb ddr4 ram
  • plus 10 maintenance hours (à 100 € / hour)

Server configuration for:

40 users

  • Dual Intel® Xeon® SP Gold 16-Core
  • 5,76tb in raid 10
  • 192gb ddr4 ram
  • plus 20 maintenance hours (à 100 € / hour)

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